Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran2025-03-24T16:02:18+00:00Mukhibat Syaufaedukasiajurnal@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Edukasia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran has two versions, namely print and online, all of which have been registered by ISSN as determined by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) e-ISSN 2721-1169 (online) and ISSN 2721-1150 (print).<br>Edukasia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran is a medium for publishing research results related to the results of the thoughts and research of experts, scientists, practitioners, and reviewers in the field of education and learning. Published twice a year, namely in June and December.</p> Influence of Religiosity on Academic Achievement with Resilience as An Intervening Variable2024-07-22T00:15:51+00:00Noer<p>This study aims to examine (1) whether there is a direct influence of religiosity on resilience at MTsN 7 Nganjuk, (2) whether there is a direct influence of resilience on academic achievement at MTsN 7 Nganjuk, (3) whether there is a direct influence of religiosity on academic achievement at MTsN 7 Nganjuk. This research is a descriptive-correlational quantitative study. Data analysis was performed using the path analysis statistical method. The population of the study comprised seventh-grade students at MTsN 7 Nganjuk, with a sample size of 61 students. The results of the study indicate that (1) there is a direct influence of the religiosity variable on the resilience variable at MTsN 7 Nganjuk, (2) there is no direct influence of resilience on the academic achievement variable at MTsN 7 Nganjuk, and (3) there is a direct influence of the religiosity variable on the academic achievement variable at MTsN 7 Nganjuk. Resilience, as an essential asset for students in facing life, can be developed by enhancing their religiosity values. Therefore, the school can design programs or activities oriented towards increasing students' religiosity. This research can be further developed in subsequent studies by incorporating other variables such as learning motivation, learning interest, academic culture, family environment, and school environment, among others.</p>2024-06-30T16:37:17+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Noer Hidayah, Munawaroh Munawaroh Quality, Time Management and Social Support on Student Academic Achievement2024-07-22T00:15:50+00:00Aliffany Pualam Lutfi Alil Mu'inlutfimuin86@gmail.comMuhammad Sabri Hilmi Saadahazrinahilmi397@gmail.comSri<p>This study aims to determine the effect of learning quality, time management and social support on the academic achievement of postgraduate students of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The method used in analysing research data is descriptive quantitative with a sample of 80 students. The sampling technique used is Non Probability Sampling technique. The results showed the Wald test results with a significance value of learning quality of 0.000 and social support of 0.021 smaller than the value of the error rate of 0.05. While time management with a significance value of 0.348 is greater than the error rate value of 0.05, meaning that time management has no correlation and has no significant effect on student academic achievement. The odds ratio value of learning quality (X1) is 18.283, this indicates that learning quality has an influence of 18.283 times greater on student academic achievement. Then the Odds ratio value of social support (X3) is 3.061, this shows that the effect of social support on student academic achievement is 3.061 times greater than if there is no social support. Meanwhile, variable (X2), namely time management, has no influence on student academic achievement. This is caused by students who do not have self-management skills or the ability to manage time. The implications of learning quality can be seen from students' understanding of the material presented, honing the courage to express opinions, increasing confidence in answering or asking questions and mental readiness and competence. The implication of social support is to reduce student stress and psychological pressure that can affect their academic performance.</p>2024-06-30T16:51:58+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aliffany Pualam Ariarta, Mohammad Lutfi Alil Mu'in, Muhammad Sabri Latif, Azrina Hilmi Saadah, Sri Harini Teaching Performance Development: The Implementation of Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS)2024-07-22T00:15:49+00:00Jaynard Jo Tess J.<p>This is quantitative descriptive research that analyzes the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) used as performance management tool for the teachers. The Results-Based Performance Management System was gathered through survey questionnaire. The assessment focused on the extent of implementation in terms of Performance Planning and Commitment; Performance Monitoring and Coaching; Performance Review and Evaluation; and Performance Rewards and Development Planning. There are 161 teacher respondents from the four (4) public elementary schools of District III in the Division of Makati City. The extent of implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System in terms of Performance Planning and Commitment and Performance Monitoring and Coaching were interpreted to a great extent with a weighted mean of 4.13 and 4.05 respectively. Meanwhile, in terms of Performance Rewarding and Planning and Performance Review and Evaluation, the respondents assessed as a great extent with the same weighted mean of 4.09. It was evident that the implementation of Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) improves teachers personally and professionally, there is a need that this program must be enhanced. Moreover, implementing such program helps teachers improve their practice in the teaching-learning process which will drive them to achieve better performance. There should be proper review to develop a program plan that addresses the challenges of the performance.</p>2024-06-30T17:10:47+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jaynard Esteban, Rosanie Estuche, Romulo Navarra, Marie Jo Tess Ragos, Roberto Tampil, Cynic J. Tenedero Learning in the Merdeka Curriculum in Terms of Primary School Students' Learning Outcomes2024-07-22T00:15:49+00:00Triana Ainy Fardana<p>The purpose of this research is to support and strengthen the analysis of the effectiveness of the project-based learning model for application in elementary schools. This study employs the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. The sources of the research articles are databases from Google Scholar and CrossRef. Each article is analyzed based on its research findings. The results of the analysis indicate that project-based learning can increase students' learning motivation, enhance problem-solving skills, improve collaboration, and develop students' skills. It can be concluded that Project-Based Learning has been proven effective in improving elementary school students' learning outcomes, not only in terms of knowledge but also skills. Furthermore, the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model can increase students' motivation, self-confidence, tolerance, cooperation, and understanding of the material, ultimately leading to a comprehensive improvement in students' learning outcomes. This learning model will continue to be recommended for educators in the learning process in accordance with the Merdeka curriculum.</p>2024-06-30T17:21:39+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Triana Wulandari, Nur Ainy Fardana Nawangsari National Science Olympiad and Its Impact on Improving the Quality of Education 2024-07-22T00:15:48+00:00Poltjes Akyuwenfrandyakyuwen@gmail.comAgustin Hanivia<p>This study aims to clearly describe the implementation of the National Science Olympiad organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Pattimura University Ambon and its impact on improving the quality of education. The focus of the research is the process of organizing the national science olympiad, and its impact on improving the quality of education. This study uses qualitative research. The data collection methods are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that the National Science Olympiad involves elementary, junior high, high school, and vocational school students throughout Maluku with a total of 3,323 participants. The region, which is dubbed as a sea-based archipelago province, is not a barrier for students to compete to be the best. As a result, when students excel in a competition, the quality of education will be better. The supporting factors for the implementation of the National Science Olympiad are internal and external factors. Internal factors come from within students, while external factors come from the school environment and family environment. The inhibiting factors are the cost and location of the competition. Some of the implications of this research: Education Policy Design; Curriculum development; Teacher Training and Development; Increasing Student Participation; and Extracurricular Program Development. Research at the National Science Olympiad has made significant contributions to the following aspects: Development of Academic Knowledge; Improvement of Educational Practices; Support for Policy Makers; Motivation for students; and Strengthening Research Networks.</p>2024-06-30T17:39:58+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Poltjes Pattipeilohy, Frandy Akyuwen, Agustin Hanivia Cindy, Johan Pattiasina Foundations and Problems: Comparative Analysis of Character Education in Singapore and Indonesia2024-08-15T01:13:08+00:00Jaziela Ahmadanmadaniahmadan@gmail.comSyarifah<p>This study compares Singapore and Indonesia's approaches to character education. The three main subjects of this study are the problems and ideological foundations of character education in the two countries. A qualitative research method with a library approach, often referred to as desk research, is the methodology used. Study findings, published works, or official policies related to character education in the two countries are the sources of the data. Character education in Indonesia is based on the country's ideology, culture, religious views and customs, according to the research findings. Similarly, government policy constraints, official ideologies and philosophical beliefs form the foundation of character education in Singapore. Singapore and Indonesia both have problems with free sex, vandalism, thuggery and juvenile crime. Variations in stress levels affect the character of young people due to the high level of mobility in Singapore.</p>2024-07-20T13:54:39+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jaziela Huwaida, Madani Ahmadan, Syarifah Syarifah, Saiful Anwar Collaborative implementation of TRP and Audiolingual methods in learning Chinese vocabulary at Kindergarten A level2024-08-15T01:17:49+00:00Ananda Wahyu Puspa WiduriAnandawiduri49@gmail.comDjodjok<p>Foreign language learning can shape children's social and cognitive future, Mastery of foreign languages at an early age in education can improve critical thinking, interpersonal skills, and advanced language learning. Chinese is currently the second most spoken language in the world, so it is not surprising that many educational institutions have included Chinese in their curriculum system since early childhood education. The use of TPR (Total Physical Response) and Audiolingual methods is an effective method for learning foreign languages in early childhood. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach. This research involved Chinese language teachers at Filadelfia Kindergarten Surabaya and 15 students at Filadelfia Kindergarten A Surabaya. The results of this study, the use of TPR (Total Physical Response) and Audiolingual methods can improve children's speaking skills and memorize Chinese vocabulary at the Kindergarten A level of Filadelfia Kindergarten Surabaya. The use of collaboration between the TPR method and the Audiolingual Method provides a stimulus for learning Mandarin that is fun for Kindergarten A Filadelfia Surabaya students, this is because the combination of the two methods requires students to be active and make movements in accordance with the vocabulary being taught.</p>2024-07-26T05:08:11+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ananda Wahyu Puspa Widuri, Djodjok Soepardjo, Wisma Kurniawati (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) Competence for Educator: A Literature Review2024-08-15T01:17:44+00:00Yudis Korin Rachman Syam<p>This study aimed to analyze the competence of TPCK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) in teachers through a literature review. The research conducted literature searches through academic databases, journals, books, and other sources of information using relevant keywords related to TPCK and the role of teachers in the context of technology use in teaching and learning. Subsequently, relevant literature was selected and evaluated for its quality, validity, and relevance to the research objectives. The analysis results indicated that teachers with high levels of TPCK tended to create more meaningful and profound learning experiences for their students. This suggested that TPCK development was a continuous process and required long-term commitment. Therefore, the role of TPACK in learning was crucial in supporting the sustainability of education.</p>2024-07-31T14:14:55+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yudis Korin Sihanita, Anung Priambodo, Abdul Rachman Syam Tuasikal Philosophy and Its Implications for 21st Century Educational Practices in Indonesia2024-08-15T01:17:42+00:00Naufal Akmal Furkon Hasbi Nur Syah<p>This study aims to analyze in depth the philosophy of progressivism and how this approach has implications for educational practice in the 21st century. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach through the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach. The results of this study show that the philosophy of progressivism has exerted a significant influence on educational practice. This can be seen from the implications: 1) the application of project and inquiry-based learning methods encourages students to actively seek information, ask questions and solve problems collaboratively. In some schools, teachers implement interdisciplinary projects where students work in groups to solve real problems, such as environmental projects or simple technological innovations, 2) curricula designed to be relevant to students' lives, allowing adaptation to individual interests and needs. Mentoring program where students can choose a project or learning topic that suits their interests, accompanied by a mentor or teacher, 3) focuses on developing 21st century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. collaborative learning through group discussions, debates, and project presentations, where students learn to work together and communicate effectively.</p>2024-08-04T05:18:07+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Naufal Akmal Syammary, Amri Yahya, Haris Furkon Hasbi Firmansyah, Rufhan Fiddin, Fajar Nur Syah Alam of Educator Quality through Job Analysis and Personnel Planning2024-09-20T14:10:44+00:00Antonius Da Silvadasilvaantonius68@gmail.comUmmi Anugerah<p>Optimizing the quality of educators is a crucial aspect of improving the overall quality of educational institutions. This study aims to analyze the application of human resource management (HRM) through job analysis and personnel planning strategies to address the issue of declining educator quality. This research employs a systematic literature review (SLR) method by analyzing nine relevant articles from online databases. The findings indicate that a holistic HRM approach, involving job analysis and personnel planning, can significantly enhance educator quality. Factors such as salary, professional training, workload, and recognition were also identified as triggers for low educator quality. This study suggests the need for an HRM approach tailored to the unique characteristics of each educational institution to achieve optimal results.</p>2024-08-29T15:05:05+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Antonius Da Silva, Ummi Anugerah Izzati, Karwanto Karwanto Study of Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning Theory in Learning Activities2024-11-01T15:59:04+00:00Wifqi<p>The aim of this research is to describe experiential learning in learning activities. David A. Kolb's Learning Theory highlights four keys stages: experience, reflection, abstract concepts, and active experimentation. This research is a library research or literature review, primarily focus on collecting and reviewing various previous studies on Kolb's learning theory. The findings indicate that the four stages of experiential learning models can enhance student engagement, deepen understanding of subject matter better, develop critical and creative skills to face future challenges, and foster collaborative work, and it can be effectively implemented at all levels of education. It can be concluded that learning activities using the experiential learning model can encourage student involvement to achieve maximum learning outcomes, and can be used at all levels of education while still paying attention to elements of relevance of the material and learning environment. However, there are still several shortcomings and challenges in applying this theory, particularly in terms of resource readiness.</p>2024-10-22T03:27:03+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Wifqi Rahmi Education for Teenagers in the Era of Society 5.0 Thomas Lickona's Perspective 2024-11-21T04:27:38+00:00Muzawir Fakhrurridhahujjatulfakhrurridha@gmail.comMuqowim<p>This research explores the relevance of Thomas Lickona's concept of character education in the context of Era Society 5.0. This research collects and analyses various relevant literature using a qualitative research method with a library research type. The data obtained includes books, articles, and other literature on character education and Era Society 5.0. The results show that Era Society 5.0, which emphasizes collaboration between technology and humans, requires strengthening moral values to ensure technology positively impacts social life. Thomas Lickona identified three main elements in character education: knowing the good, loving the good, and acting the good. These elements emphasize the importance of moral knowledge, moral feelings, and moral behaviour, which are interconnected and need to be applied in daily life. The implementation of character education in Era Society 5.0 must integrate technology with moral values through a comprehensive approach, involve all elements of society, and create a learning environment that supports the development of good character. This research concludes that Lickona's concept of character education is very relevant and can be applied effectively in Era Society 5.0 to form individuals with strong characters who can utilize technology wisely.</p>2024-11-21T04:21:46+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muzawir Munawarsyah, Hujjatul Fakhrurridha, Muqowim Muqowim Autonomy Through the Use of ChatGPT by Third-Year Students of English Faculty at University of Foreign Language Studies (UFLS)2024-12-18T13:46:10+00:00Thuan Phung Tanphngtnthn107@gmail.comThao Tran Ngo Hanhhanhthaodn2103@gmail.comGiang Nguyen Hoang<p>This study aimed to investigate the impact of utilizing ChatGPT on learner autonomy of third-year students of Faculty of English at the University of Danang – University of Foreign Language Studies (UD – UFLS). In this research, quantitative methods were employed with a close-ended questionnaire aiming to figure the relationship between student use of ChatGPT and their autonomy. Learner autonomy, in this study, was examined in two aspects, <em>study habits</em> and <em>independence of learning</em>. The survey involved 103 students; the collected data were analyzed statistically to answer the research questions. The study’s results showed that ChatGPT has little impact on the participants’ learning autonomy. However, this tool can be useful for learners’ study habits thanks to its personalized feedback and recommendations. Although our research has provided more insights into the field of technology-assisted language learning, especially learning with the use of ChatGPT, further research on the relationship of learning autonomy and ChatGPT with a larger sample and in a longer time should be conducted to ensure consistency and reliability of the impacts of ChatGPT on learner autonomy.</p>2024-12-09T13:41:04+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Thuan Phung Tan, Thao Tran Ngo Hanh, Giang Nguyen Hoang Huong Relationship Between Anxiety and Numerical Literacy of Elementary School Students2025-03-24T16:02:18+00:00Septiana Heni Hendrikseptianahendrik17@gmail.comRien Anitraanitrarien@gmail.comBuyung<p>This study aims to: 1) Describe the level of mathematics anxiety of fifth grade students of SDN 6 Singkawang, 2) Describe the level of numeracy literacy of fifth grade students of SDN 6 Singkawang, 3) Describe the relationship between mathematics anxiety and numeracy literacy of fifth grade students of SDN 6 Singkawang. This type of research is quantitative research. The research design uses a correlation design. The population in this study were all fifth grade students of SDN 6 Singkawang. The sample used saturated sampling totaling 21 students. Data collection techniques used a mathematics anxiety questionnaire and a numeracy literacy test. Data analysis techniques used descriptive percentage tests and Pearson product moment correlation tests using Excel and SPSS 27. The results of the study showed: 1) students' mathematics anxiety was in the very low category with a percentage of 48%, 2) students' numeracy literacy was in the very low category with an average value of 49, 3) there was no significant relationship between students' mathematics anxiety and numeracy literacy. The correlation value is 0.118 and the correlation coefficient is in the very low category.</p>2024-12-24T07:51:32+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Septiana Heni Hendrik, Rien Anitra, Buyung Buyung Tolerance from an Early Age: Instilling Religious Moderation Values in Elementary Schools2025-03-24T16:02:17+00:00Mahrus Nur Kholik<p>This study analyzes methods for instilling religious moderation values in public elementary schools to foster tolerance from an early age. Education can introduce students to values of diversity and inclusivity at a young age, as elementary schools serve as a strategic platform to cultivate an understanding of differences. Using a literature review method, data was collected from various relevant sources, including scholarly articles, books, and related documents discussing religious moderation education and tolerance attitudes. Data collection was conducted through literature searches in scientific databases and other credible sources using specific keywords to ensure the relevance of the gathered material. The data was then analyzed descriptively using a thematic analysis approach to identify key themes, such as the integration of religious moderation values into the elementary school curriculum, the role of teachers in guiding students to understand moderate values, the use of extracurricular activities to reinforce tolerance practices, and the creation of an inclusive and diversity-supporting school environment. The study's findings indicate that collaboration among schools, teachers, and parents plays a crucial role in shaping attitudes of tolerance and inclusivity through religious moderation education in elementary schools. The study concludes that instilling religious moderation values at the elementary level is a practical approach to fostering a more peaceful and harmonious society in the future.</p>2024-12-24T08:11:28+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mahrus Mahrus, Nur Kholik Afandi Z Generation's Difficulties in Proving Trigonometric Identities with The Help of Gpt Chat 2025-03-24T16:01:17+00:00Putih FitriPutihfitri28@gmail.comYusuf<p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies, which play an important role among emerging technologies, have developed rapidly and have begun to be used in various fields in recent years, especially in education. Many factors cause low student learning ability in mathematics lessons. This study aimed to analyze Gen Z students' difficulties in completing trigonometric identity proofs by utilizing ChatGPT Trigonometry-assisted learning. The type of research used was qualitative research. Research data were collected through observation of student activities, direct interviews, and related literature studies. This research was conducted in SMA N 1 Indralaya Selatan. The instruments used were test question sheets and interview guidelines. The results of this study indicate that Generation Z struggles with basic trigonometry concepts, early solution strategies, and proper algebraic manipulation. In addition, reliance on ChatGPT often reduces students' conceptual understanding of the material. This article recommends learning strategies integrating technology and direct teacher assistance to improve learning effectiveness.</p>2025-01-11T04:23:10+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putih Fitri, Yusuf Hartono, Meryansumayeka Meryansumayeka